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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: awhitman33 on 28 Jul 2010 11:49:43 AM

Title: Display/Show Filter contents on report
Post by: awhitman33 on 28 Jul 2010 11:49:43 AM
Does anyone know how to show/display within a report what filters are being applied?  I know how to display parameterized filters, but not static ones.  Any help would be great!

Title: Re: Display/Show Filter contents on report
Post by: tupac_rd on 28 Jul 2010 12:19:19 PM
Harcode as text using text item
Title: Re: Display/Show Filter contents on report
Post by: awhitman33 on 28 Jul 2010 01:02:52 PM
Thanks - i was afraid that was the only solution.  Some of our reports have 6-10 filters!
Title: Re: Display/Show Filter contents on report
Post by: faris1421 on 11 Aug 2010 02:31:40 AM
Yep. In impromptu it will be displayed automatically.. In 8 version I fear hardcoding is the only way to do it..
Title: Re: Display/Show Filter contents on report
Post by: DustPanMan on 11 Aug 2010 08:23:50 AM

I have not tried this, but what you should try is creating a report with a static filter in Query Studio (which does display the filter).  Then save the report and open it in Report Studio (from the more... menu).  Then check the Report Specs or even just the filter display option that is on the page to see if it is being dynamically populated in any way.  If so, you could replicated what every it is doing to display your other static filters.  If not, you may be stuck hard-coding.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Display/Show Filter contents on report
Post by: anandhisomasundaram on 11 Aug 2010 05:21:02 PM
Try to pull generated prompt in your report header or body and select your existing reports static prompt and it displays whatever i selected for static choices.

Hope this helps you.
Title: Re: Display/Show Filter contents on report
Post by: MFGF on 26 Aug 2010 07:15:56 AM
Quote from: DustPanMan on 11 Aug 2010 08:23:50 AM

I have not tried this, but what you should try is creating a report with a static filter in Query Studio (which does display the filter).  Then save the report and open it in Report Studio (from the more... menu).  Then check the Report Specs or even just the filter display option that is on the page to see if it is being dynamically populated in any way.  If so, you could replicated what every it is doing to display your other static filters.  If not, you may be stuck hard-coding.

Best regards,


The filter definitions shown in Query Studio are just text, sadly.

Title: Re: Display/Show Filter contents on report
Post by: mermedia on 10 Aug 2011 11:36:56 PM
Man, that friggin sucks that you have to hard code it now. Sometimes I miss Impromptu. :(