From Query Studio and Report, I can't see the columns of the tables of my database (DB2) and I can't insert any data when I try to build reports.
Can anybody tell me what is happening.
For I can successfully get data from Framework Manager.
Thanks for your help.
Christian Katengwa M.
Quote from: chriskat on 28 Jul 2010 09:24:28 AMFor I can successfully get data from Framework Manager.
Do you mean you can import the table/view structures successfully in FM, or have you tried selecting data items and using the 'Test' option to retrieve rows of data from the tables?
Is FM installed on the same server as Cognos Express or on a different machine? If it's the latter, and you can successfully retrieve data in FM, then I'd guess the DB2 client libraries on the Express server may not be installed properly.
All my system is installed on the same server.
there is nothing when you try to unfold tables (see EMPLOYEE).
With FM, everything is ok. it seems the issues are with QS and RS. but as I want to work with