Would like understand cut-down model in EP- could any one explain with example if possible.
Straight out of the Contributor Admin manual
"When a planner opens the grid for a Contributor application the Web client receives two pieces of
data from the server. The first is the model definition (also referred to as the XML package) and
the second is the data block that contains the values that will populate the grid. Together these are
referred to as the model.
Access tables control which cells in a model are Writeable, Read-only, Hidden, or contain No Data.
Cut-down models are customized copies of the master model definition that have been cut-down
to include only the specific elements required for a particular e.List item."
For example
Assume you have a product list Product A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, & C3 etc and countries, 1, 2, 3 etc
Let's say Country 1 only uses the A products, 2, the Bs and 3 the Cs etc
If you have a cube with both dimensions you will have sparsity in the data
1 2 3
A1 X
A2 X
A3 X
B1 X
B2 X
B3 X
C1 X
C2 X
C3 X
In the access table you would include both dimensions and set is to
No Data All All
Write A1 1
Write A2 1
Write A3 1
Write B1 2
Write B2 2
Write B3 2
Write C1 3
Write C2 3
Write C3 3
This ensures that only the relevant parts of the cube are made available to the respective contributors thus speeding up the load
If Cut Down models are selected from the admin options, the "cut down" is down at the time of GTP, otherwise it is done when the grid is opened
The decision when to do this is very much dependant on how often GTP'd are run, how big the access tables are etc
A word of warning though Cut downs and access tables can be a bit of a mine field and the hits and tips in the reference manual should be read carefully
I hope this helps
dave thank a lot for the answer with example