We've been sent a Cognos report that was written for a DB2 Framework (if my terminology is correct). We're pointing to the same database but ours is in Oracle. I'm trying to get the report to work here but I get many errors. Has anyone done this kind of conversion before? What are the potential areas where I might need to make changes - SQL, filter functions (e.g. I saw they used the RIGHT function which is not supported by Cognos/Oracle), etc.? Should I expect this to be a difficult assignment or should it be relatively painless (though it hasn't been painless thus far)? The Center that is providing this report is excellent in writing reports but haven't shared one of their Cognos DB2 reports with a Cognos/Oracle database. Needless to say, (but I'll say it anyway), our Center needs this report to function ASAP.
Thanks, Sheldon
There is no easy answer, I'm afraid. It all depends upon how much database-specific stuff was built into the original framework (and/or reports). Only the authors of the framework and the reports can really advise you here, unless you are prepared to wade through and check everything.
Thanks MF. I went through the report manually and made the corrections and now it's working.