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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => BI Modeling (Transformer) => Topic started by: Sarayucog on 26 Jul 2010 07:58:14 AM

Title: Need solution when cube exceeds the 2GB limit
Post by: Sarayucog on 26 Jul 2010 07:58:14 AM
Hi all,

My cube has exceeded the limit of 2GB. So the cube is got failed. Then what is the solution for this.

I have found one solution from support like MultifileCube Threshold, but I don't know what is this and how to do.

Could anyone please tell me what I have to do now. Urgent...

Thanks in advance
Title: Re: Need solution when cube exceeds the 2GB limit
Post by: Arsenal on 26 Jul 2010 09:59:49 AM
edit your cogtr.xml (cognos\c8\configuration) to have the following:

<Preference Name="MultiFileCubeThreshold" Value="90000"/></Section>. This should be just before <Section Name="RecentFileList">

tYou have to be careful where you place the preference name because cogtr.xml is very sensitive to where it expects certain tags.
The 90,000 is aribitary. You will have to play around to see the size of the multifile cubes and what works for you.
Title: Re: Need solution when cube exceeds the 2GB limit
Post by: Sarayucog on 27 Jul 2010 09:27:29 AM

Thanks for your quick reply.

I am unable to find that option in cogtr.xml file. I found that in trnsfrmr.ini file.

If we change in cogtr.xml file it will effect all the cubes which are in that environment right.

Title: Re: Need solution when cube exceeds the 2GB limit
Post by: Arsenal on 28 Jul 2010 03:18:44 PM
Which version of Transformer are you using? 8.3 onwards uses cogtr.xml instead of transfrmr.ini

I believe the option to use multifile cubes can also be set in the build script for each cube if a global change is not desirable. I am not sure of the exact steps, but I think technotes has something on it.
Title: Re: Need solution when cube exceeds the 2GB limit
Post by: Sarayucog on 29 Jul 2010 09:20:56 AM

I am using Cognos 8.4 version, but I am unable to find that option in cogtr.xml. I can able to find that in trnsfrmr.ini file only. What would I do now can I change over there in trnsfrmr.ini file or not. If I change in trnsfrmr.ini file what will happend. Would it change to that perticular cube or to all the cubes in that environment.


Title: Re: Need solution when cube exceeds the 2GB limit
Post by: Arsenal on 29 Jul 2010 09:09:11 PM
how come you have transfmr.ini? 8.4 doesn't come with it at all. In fact, 8.4 Transformer doesn't recognize transfrm.ini. Perhaps you have it from a prior version? Is your Transformer version 8.4 as well?

Anyway, cogtr.xml is not present by default. It is created the first time you open Transformer and use the Preferences menu to save changes to say a trial model or the options within Transformer. Alternatively, there is a cogtr.xml.sample in the c8 location mentioned previously by me. You can rename it to cogtr.xml but it has way more options than you really need.
Quickest way is to open Transformer, create something really quick and save it so cogtr.xml gets generated. Then open that and put in the multifile option I mentioned earlier in the correct spot.
Title: Re: Need solution when cube exceeds the 2GB limit
Post by: FIR1987 on 08 Dec 2010 10:09:37 AM
I also have the problem of cube which exceed 2G.I have edited the cogtr.xml  as below

<Preference Name="MultiFileCubeThreshold" Value="100000"/></Section>.

It does work,however ,the  data isn't distributed in every mdp file .For example my second file exceed 2G while the others only have less than 1G,so I have to decrease the value of MultiFileCubeThreshold when one of my  mdp file  exceed 2G.
Anyone have solution to make it distribute in each mdp averagely or any other good idea to the trouble of 2G?

Do need your help. Thansk.