i'm facing a blocking problem wich make the execution of report very slow.
The scenario :
When we connect with an AD namespace in French country, the report runs well without latency
But when a dutch users connect with a dutch namespace the execution of report becomes very slow.
I'm developed a script in framework that according to which user is logged in which namespace, connect to the according datamart.
For exmaple : french users( fr Namespace) --> Fr datamart
Dutch users ( NL namespace) --> NL Datamart
I active the users log in ipclientconfig.xml and after testing with dutch users i have this in the performance log :
<C n="QECL" et="1818" >
<CF n="CM_GetModelConnectInfo" et="14" nc="1" />
<CF n="MQP_AnalyzePackage" et="4" nc="1" />
<CF n="CM_GetViews" et="3" nc="1" />
<CF n="CM_GetDatabaseConnectInfo" et="23" nc="1" />
<CF n="CM_GetDatabaseAccessInfo" et="19" nc="1" />
<CF n="CM_LoadParameterMapFromCM" et="52" nc="1" />
<CF n="CM_GetIdentityInfo" et="1700" nc="1" />
After my proper analysis i think that the bold part in the log above, explain that the component function Get identity Info is the problem.
So, how can i disable this component when the report is executed ?
Have you any other idea to ameliorate the performance ?
Thank's à Lot