I wish to produce a list report which gives Cost, income, margin % etc. but I would also like for the user running the report to set a nemerical value called "future margin" in a text box prompt and then, when the report is run it will show estimated future profit and loss depending on how this margin may change in future.
basically I want the user to set a value and the report calculate something according to this value.
I'm sure there is a really simple solution I'm just having a brain block.
Please help!
Whatever numerical value u get as 'input' from the user will be captured in parameter. For Eg ?MyValue? ... then u can use this value for caluclating future margin formulas Eg DataItem1 = ( [Cost] * ?MyValue? ) / ( [Margin] ) ...Something like this.
U can use this calculation in ur list any way u want.
If the user selects a value from text box prompt that value should multiply with the calculated data item in the report level......
S it is possible using case statement or if then else
data item=((?parameter?*quantity)/sale price)*100
Thanks guys. Was as simple as I thought just needed a kick.