Hi All,
I have an elist dimension as,
Total Company
All Europe
Central Europe
Northern Europe
Southern Europe
Asia Pacific
And i have a cube called Marketing expenses which has Divisions, Campaigns,Year Dimension and Versions.
Campaigns dimension consists of Camp1, Camp2, Camp3, Total
I have to hide Campaign dimension for all elist items except for Northern Europe and Southern Europe.
Saved Selection:
I have created a Saved Selection for elist ....
First selection 'All Elist items'
Selected Except
Second Selection 'Only Northern And Southern Europe'
Access table:
Acess Table1 Campaigns Dim Makets cube Elist(Included)
Access rule:
Hidden All Campaigns Saved Selection ( Except for Northern And Southern Europe)
Problem: When we applied the above access table, Marketing cube is hidden for all elist items except for Northern and Southern Europe.
Our Requirement is 'Campaign Dimension' only need to be hidden for all elist items except 'Northern and Southern Europe'.
Please let me know how to resolve the above issue.....
Thanks in advance.
If you hide all the items in a D-List in an access table it has the effect of hiding the D-Cube.
But the other question to consider is why are the other elists being used in the same D-Cube if they have no value on one of the D-Lists?
I have two thoughts,
1, Perhaps you can create a dummy item on the Campaigns D-List that will display for all elists except for Northern and Southern Europe.
2, Create 2 D-Cubes, 1 with Campaigns, one without. The Campaigns D-Cube will be hidden, perhaps with NO DATA for this elists other than Northern Europe and Southern Europe. The other D-Cube will be hidden, (NO DATA) for Northern Europe and Southern Europe.
Thanks a lot for sharing the Info...