Hi Cognos Folks!!
I have a problem with Full outer join.
To brief you have a dimension which has a cardinality 1:n with other dimensions.
I wanted to know if can exlcude Full outer join at report studio level.
Is there any tips for to come out of Full outer join.
Thanks in Advance
Cardinality is the only factor that decides the kind of join . In order to avoid FULL OUTER join change the cardinality.
DON'T have 1..n & 1..n on both sides.
You can use the option " Avoid Outer Join' and set this to Yes.
This property just overrides the property of FM.
This means incase FM allows/deny outer joins then u can override it here.
But this wont be a solution - what i'll suggest is first see what is the join u want to make - left/right/inner and then set the cardinality as per that.
Suppression is not the recommended way.
Thanks for replies and suggestions I will try and come back