I created all the required dimensions like Location(Country, Region, state, county, city, branch). Another Dimension is Dates (Year, Quarter, Month, Day). These 2 Dimensions are created using TM1 TI process. They are nicely populated come up nicely by hierarchy.
Now I have a flat file which has Billed Amount, Revenue, Hours Worked. which is an exract from Teradata to flat file. It has leaf level data and the above measures. for example the flat file record will be showing like this.
011-NewYork, 2010-07-15,1000.00,1200.00,80
I am able to import the flat file and took only the last 3 fields and created a Dimension called Measures.
When I create the cube will all the dimensions. The x and y axis looks fine. But there is nothing in the middle, zilch ... nada .. no matter what level I look into in the cube.
Can you guys help? //
Hi there,
When you build/update the cube, are there any errors (even minor ones)? I can host a quick WebEx with you to take a look and solve this thing if you'd like.