Windows 2003
SQL 2005
Cognos 8.4.1
Upgrading contributor applications from 7.3 and 8.1 to a distributed environment. We are using a polyserve db instance for the applications, and we run into this error:
"is on a network path that is not supported for database files"
The following has been done:
SQL Server
- Grant create and drop table privileges for the database to the user account.
- Ensure that the user account is a member of the db_ddladmin, db_datareader, and db_datawriter roles.
- Ensure that the user is the owner of their default schema
In addition, the account has been assigned to dbcreator.
Any help with this is greatly appreciated.
Not enough info, but were I to guess, you specified a file location for the data files/backup files that did not specify a drive local to the database server -- D:\Mysqldata\Backups has to exist on the db server (accessible by the engine)
Let me know what add'l info is needed, but the path I am using is:
Our DBA provided this path as the path that would point directly to the database instance in the polyserve.
Is that directory the local specification for data directory for that instance? It would seem polyserve does a remapping of drives that may not be compatible with how Planning invokes the db create process.
It turned out to be a security issue...the DBA hadn't granted all the appropriate rights to allow us the correct connection...nothing more than that...thanks for your help!