Hi Gurus...
I need to understand a bit about deploying Cognos 8 on WAS. Could anyone please give me a brief step by step procedure for this. I have read many docs but I m still not able to understand something:
---In a distributed install do I need to have WAS installed on all the Dispatcher machines and CM servers. In case yes... Then how does the Admin Console of WAS comes into picture. Do I need to install some plugin for WAS on the Web Server which would control all the Application servers on Disp and CM machines.
Thanks In Advance
Hi there,
I think you may be getting confused by trying to understand multiple concepts at once.
How about we try to split this up a bit.
First The Dispatcher and CM need to be hosted off an Application Server.
That can be Tomcat, which comes with the installation or WAS.
Next to distribute WebSphere you would typically install WAS on your App Server, IBMHttpServer on your Web Server and use WebSphere's plugin to communicate between these.
Note: This has nothing to do with Cognos but is just with the setup of a distributed WebSphere installation.
Once you have the above set up you install different Cognos components on these servers:
Cognos Gateway - Installed on Web Server.
Cognos Dispatcher/CM - Installed on App Server.
Finally on the App Server there is a Cognos script you run to create an ear or war file for you to deploy under WAS.
So to your specific questions:
"Do I need to have WAS installed on all the Dispatcher and CM servers?"
Well yes if you intent to replace Tomcat with WAS.
I wouldn't suggest running both WAS and Tomcat in the same environment as you'd just be adding unneeded complexity.
You choose one or the other.
Note: If you're going to use WAS you should go into Cognos Configuration and delete the Tomcat Settings (This will gray out the start button from Cognos Configuration as it is disabling the default Tomcat App Server startup).
"How does the Admin Console of WAS come into picture"
This is used to configure all applications on the WAS server including the Cognos components you have installed.
You need to use the Admin Console to install the Cognos ear file described above.
"Do I need to install some plugin for WAS...?"
Yes to facilitate communication between your Web an d App Servers.