Hi all,
i have 2 different summary reports
1. Single report (date1 parameter is passed along wid some other parameters to (ex:detail report X).
2.Period Comparison(date1 and date2 parameters are passed along wid some other paramters to (ex:detail report X).
Both these reports are drilling down to same detail report X.
There is a back link to these reports from detail report X.
So if user drill thrus from single report he will come back to single report.
If the user drill thrus from period report he will come back to period report.
Rendering is applied on back links based on report.
The problem is we need to have date1 and date2 filters in detail report X such that it shd work well with both the summary reports.
single report seems to be fine as when date1 filter is applied in detail report x.
was wondering how to keep date2 filter in detail report x so as to work well such that single and period both shd keep working...
if anything not clear ... please let me know..
what filter condition are you using when using the back link, i.e. what is the parameter filter in report X?
Are the date filters on the detail X report set to be required or are they optional?
I think his problem is that when going to the report that uses an in_range filter, he's passing two dates but when tracking back the report doesn't know which date to pass because the parent report accepts just that one date. If so, the solution might be to store the first date in a parameter in the second detail report and then to use that parameter to pass the date back to the parent report
but just a guess
i may be completely wrong here but for the range he would still be using 2 date prompts right...so they will be stored in 2 parameters..if the filters are optional passing the values should not cause an issue..
i am not sure i understand the back link part cause he mentioned
Quote from: abdulquddus_mca on 05 Jul 2010 12:07:19 PM
Rendering is applied on back links based on report.
I am sorry but i did not understand what he meant by that...
I guess i will make some more clarification...
Single report drill down to detail report say for ex:X(perfectly working)
Period report drill down to same detail report X(Issue)
Single report we pass report_cde,date parameter and some other parameters to X report.. it work wells as back link contains only one parameter date1
Detail explanation:(same parameters being passed as single report)
In Period report which is list report has many columns of which 2 columns which are basically drill down columns
first column is of date1 parameter and other is of date2 parameter
column 1... col1 data is based on date1 parameter and col2 data is based on date2 parameter
ex: col1 col2 drill down1 drill down2
Count 10 20 run detail report run detail report
if we drill down1.. we get detail information i.e we get 10 rows and similar to drill down 2 we get 20 rows in detail report... at one point we can onlt date1... if we pass both dates data is getting filtered on both dates which i dont want... i want to ensure that both dates dh be retained when i click on back link from detail report...
the summary report of Period comparison actually contains 2 dates wid var and var% calculations
in drill down 1 col,if we drill to detail report date1 parameter is passed and when we click back the original data is not retained as i didnt passed date2 from detail report... iam missing date2 parameter and same is happening with drill down column 2...
as of now iam not happing date2 parameter in detail report...
as of now iam nt applying date2 filter in detail report X which leads to mismatch of data...
Date1 filter is required in detail report...
since detail report shd work well with single as well as period comparison reports...
Still any clarifications plz let me know...
thanks for the clarification..
Quote from: Arsenal on 07 Jul 2010 10:34:49 PM
I think his problem is that when going to the report that uses an in_range filter, he's passing two dates but when tracking back the report doesn't know which date to pass because the parent report accepts just that one date. If so, the solution might be to store the first date in a parameter in the second detail report and then to use that parameter to pass the date back to the parent report
but just a guess
this might be ur best bet, creating parameters on the detail report and use them for storing the values and not for the filters...