Hi experts,
I have a problem
I have a cube. Thats having lot of data and its taking long time to run. So in DEV environment I have implemented incremental update. Its working fine.
Now I want to load the total data into cube. Its taking long time to run with total data right, so I want to load the data week by week into the cube incrementally.
My data source contains 2 years of data means 104 weeks of data. So that I can not change the IQDs every time for week dates. The week dates means (05-JUNE-2009 to 11-JUNe-2009) should change automatically in the IQDs and the cube should run automatically.
Means first the cube should run with 05-JUNE-2009 to 11-JUNe-2009 dates, then it should run with 12-june-2009 to 18-june-2009 then it should run with 19-june-2009 to 25-june-2009. Like this the FROM date and TO date should change automatically in IQD.
Do you have any idea.
Thanks & Regards