since monday I have problems to do an download from the Boards. Yes, I Ã,´am loged in, but when I try to download an attached file I must repeat the login once more. Today I try to Upload a Video which solved a Problem discused in the Topic "problem in displaying page no". The Errormessage was "Upload takes to much time, or the Size of the file is to large=. The File Size I try to upload is 2.8 MB. Btw. I have uploaded a couple of Files since IÃ,´am a member of this community.
WhatÃ,´s going on.
Cu Jolly
I have the same problem when trying to download file. Even though I am already logged in, I keep getting the logon screen, and cannot seem to get past that.
Hi all,
In the additional options right from the search Button is the Info that max. File Size is 5000KB.
is it possible that the File size of attached Files must be lower than 2000KB ?
I have upload today a File with 1424KB and this works perfect.
Since Monday and today again I try to upload a File with 2835KB and I got the error ""Upload takes to much time, or the Size of the file is to large"
Cu jolly
Hi guys,
Sorry for the slow reply. What's the extension on the file in question?
Hmmm....maybe try emailing it to me at email@cognoise.com ?
Hi COGNOiSe administrator ,
all the Files i try to upload are WINRAR files. The suffix is RAR. I have upload a lot of files with these extensions.
Give it another go and if it fails then email it to me and I will upload it myself if you like.
Sorry about that Jolly!