We use 8.4.
We don't have gateway for our installation. We access the environment through Dispatcher URI.
In case of Gateway URI , while accessing images in the Report Studio reports, generally users give path in the URL bar as ../samples/image file.
Where .. represents Webcontent directory.
But as we are using Dispatcher URI, images are working if ever we give full path in the URL bar ( like servername/samples/image file).
Images are not rendering properly if we give the gateway style path.
Can anyone tell how to access the images by not using the server name in the URL path ?
relative path works fine as long as you have the images copied to the folder ..\c8\webapps\p2pd\samples\images. you might have to create folder \samples\images and then save the images there or if you save images to a different folder, you might have to update report image path accordingly.
We already have that setup in place...but it's working if ever we give this path : http://ServerName/samples/images/imagefilename
But we want the relative path to work, with dots (..) i.e ../samples/images/imagefilename.
It is working without any issues for us, not sure why its not working for you.
so, lets say you give relative path, and run the reports, so do you atleast get an image on the output with a red x mark etc., instead of the actual image. If you right click on the image, What path do you see under properties.
Is it http://servername:9300/p2pd/images?
You were correct in the first reply :)
For dispatcher URI, the path which we need to copy images is : /webapps/p2pd/servlet/samples/images/
And after this we can use relative path in report.
Thanks for the answer.