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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: DavidSmith on 01 Jul 2010 05:09:11 AM

Title: Restrict Access to Formatted d-list
Post by: DavidSmith on 01 Jul 2010 05:09:11 AM
I have a drop down d-list (products) on which I want to restrict access as certain products are only relevant for some e.list items. I have got the access table to work for the product summary D-Cube but the contributor can see the whole product list. Anyone know if this is possible?
Title: Re: Restrict Access to Formatted d-list
Post by: StuartS on 01 Jul 2010 08:37:02 AM
There is a similar requirement in several Cubes in a model I administer.

The solution is two fold.

Firstly create a D-Cube in analyst that allows a user to choose the valid product per elist.  3 d-lists, elist, product list, valid product d-list.

valid product list, 2 items, input and a conditional that has If {input}<>"",1,0) Where 1 is a IID in a lookup dlist that contains the access write, e.g. HIDDEN, NO DATA.

This input cube is then used to create an access table that can be imported to Contributor, macro using @DCubeExport.

Hope this helps.

Title: Re: Restrict Access to Formatted d-list
Post by: DavidSmith on 01 Jul 2010 09:08:18 AM
Thanks for the reply Stuart

That is what I did, and it works for the D-Cube (Orders by Product) in question, but I have another D-Cube (Orders) where the user choses the product from a formatted list. This is not being cut down to only show those valid products for that particular e.list item

When I create the access table on the d-list, the only cubes it applies to are those that have the d-list as a "hard" dimension rather thana "virtual" one

I'm not sure it is possible as a formatted dimension is one of the cut down restrictions

Title: Re: Restrict Access to Formatted d-list
Post by: StuartS on 02 Jul 2010 02:52:56 AM

You are correct in that your issue is that you wish to apply an access table to a lookup list as opposed to a "hard" dimension.

I do not believe that this is possible.

A possibility, If you have a limited number of valid product groups (e.g. elists have one of say 3 sets of valid products) you could consider having one order D-Cube per valid product group.  Each D-Cube would have a formatted lookup D-List of that product group.  You would then use NO DATA access groups to control which orders D-Cube was shown.  I use a similar method in one of my models and it works fine. 

