Subject: Drill up and Drill Down functionalites not working in Crosstab and Chart reports
> Hi,
> We are using Cognos8.2 version with DMR (Hierarchies created by FM using Regular & Measure Dimension)
> Requirement:
> I need to create a crosstab report with one measure.Row and column are displayed by according to user selection.
> EX:In rows we need to display the following data items: Year, Quarter, Month, Week and Day according to user selection, similarly in Columns(Country,region,state,city,zipcode and gender) based on user selection(hierarchies level shown here;Year->Quarter->month->week->day,country->region->state->city->zipcode)
> For the requirement I created two parameters with static choice with use and display values
> And I created two data items one for row selection another for column selection
> Row selection Data item:
> Case when (? parameter1?=?year?) then (year)
> When (? parameter1?=?qtr?) then (Quarter)
> When (? parameter1?=?month?) then (month)
> ??
> ?.
> Similarly Column selection.
> Once user select country/region/state/city/zip code in prompt page column selection we need to display related data in report.
> Ex: if user select Country and Year in prompt page following data displaying
> India Unknown
> Amount Booked Amount Booked
> 2008 100000 2005
> 2009 200000 1500
> Here Year having 2008,2009 data and Country having India,Unknown.
> Here I am able to display as per selection in report but I am not able to see drill down to display further levels.(Here I am enable the Drill up and drill down option in Data Menu)
> Ex: if I click on India I am not getting report with Region wise data...similarly for other levels also.....
> Please suggest me on above issue.
> Regards,