I'm doing a striaght transfer from an MS Access table into an oracle table using a fact build. I need to add a new field which will be the nextval of a sequence in the destination Database.
I can't figure it out, any assistance would be great.
Quote from: CharlesS on 28 Jun 2010 01:30:16 PMI need to add a new field which will be the nextval of a sequence in the destination Database.
Sorry - I'm not too clear on what you need to do here. Can you elaborate on exactly what you need? Is it a sequentially generated number, for example?
In the destination database , you will insert all the data from MS, put a trigger on the insertion in the target. Define a sequence, In that trigger select nextval to store the new sequence number. I think that process is only used for the trasfert of data for old to new database.
If you just need a sequentially generated number for each row delivered, you could simply go to the properties of the Fact Table delivery in your DM build and check the 'Record Identity' checkbox.