I have a chart that pulls the previous 10 fiscal years. If a year doesn't have a value it is left off of the chart. Is there a way to tell the chart to display that missing year?
2001 - 10
2002 - 11
2004 - 3
2005 - 6
2007 - 10
I want to see 2003 as well.
thank you for your help
will this help, for the measure being used in the chart, if you change the expression as
IF ([data_item] is null) THEN (0.01) ELSE ([data_item])
not sure if using 0 instead of 0.01 would work too...
check this once.......
by using variable it is possible like take a boolean variable....
case when (quantity is null) then (0) else quantity end
click on the measure check in the data format number missing or null values as 0
This is a recurring issue that should take a little time to sink in. There is a distinct difference between null values (record exists, but certain value is null) and the dataset not returning each and every occurence of - for instance - year. In the last case evaluating null values does not work, since the required row/record is not returned in the first place.
The solution should lie in the model, making sure your query returns the year dimension, even if no fact exists for a given year.
A second solution involves working with a union that returns all years in the second part of the set with zeroes as dummy measures.
try to use 'colesce' function and add the value which is you want to show in the chart using IF