I wanted to notify the site administrator of this.
Our company uses Websense to monitor some Internet surfing. Whenever anyone in the company attempts to access Cognoise and Websense is active, the site is completely blocked. I don't have any more details about it because Websense doesn't report any of the details to the end user.
As Websense is one of the largest Internet monitoring services in the world, I suggest that you contact them to try and resolve the issue. Hopefully, it is something simple.
Thank you.
Larry Miller
There was a problem earlier this week. I think the forum got hacked and some malicious javascript was inserted. It prevented users with some versions of IE from loading the page. The javascript has been removed and it should all be back to normal now.
Thank you for the reply.
I'm not sure how often Websense checks for updates, but it is currently still being blocked for our systems.
Larry Miller