I Get this error while validating the Report.
RSV-VAL-0032 The following expression is not valid: if(([Query1].[transaction ID1] <250000) or (ReportOutput() in ('CSV','HTML','PDF'))
or ([Query1].[transaction ID1] is null)
or ( ReportOption('burst') = '1' )
Then ('Go')
Else ('No'). If the item exists in a query but is not referenced in the layout, add it to a property list. CRX-API-0005 An error ocurred at or near the position '4'. The variable named '[Query1].[transaction ID1]' is invalid.
Please help how do i go trouble shoot it.
The error message explicitly states that you need to associate a dataitem with the list object. Did you try this?
The error is caused by attaching a report expression or variable to an object which does not have all of the items in the expression.
For example lets say you have a list with two fields. Customer name and revenue. You want the rows to be highlighted every time the Customer ID is < 1000. You add the Customer ID to the query and create the variable, but it won't work unless you either attach the Customer ID to the list, or include it in the list properties.
But what happens if you attach that same variable to another object? If that object does not have Customer ID in the properties you'll get the same error you're getting now. Again, the context of whatever is triggering that expression must have the fields in the generated SQL.
So the question then becomes, what are you trying to accomplish?