We have a report with 12 fact items for the 12 months of a year and we would like to have a prompt set up so the users can select which months to pull data for. Any assistance will be appreciated.
One way would be to add all dataitems to a list and conditionally hide/show the columns based on the prompt values chosen
How would the prompt page be created if each of the months are a seperate column in a list report?
Instead of associating a query with the prompt try to create a fixed selection (12 values) with a valueprompt (parameter = 'parameter_prompt') and multiple selections set to yes.
Suppose you designate the monthnumber 1,2,3,4,...,12 as selection , then it would be a matter of creating 12 boolean variables like:
ParamValue('parameter_prompt') contains '1' to show/hide the first column in the list..