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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: krishnadixit on 17 Jun 2010 05:25:54 AM

Title: IID of lineItem or Count of LineItems in a D-List
Post by: krishnadixit on 17 Jun 2010 05:25:54 AM
Hi Cognoisees,

Is there anyway to find the IID of the lineItems
(not manually by opening the dlist, then File->Summary Info &
then clicking on "Item Details" tag).

But I need it automatically. ???


Is there any way to find the count of the lineItems in a particular Dlist. ???
Title: Re: IID of lineItem or Count of LineItems in a D-List
Post by: on 18 Jun 2010 03:02:28 AM

Can you provide more info as in what purpose it will solve to extract the IIDs automatically or couting the lineitems in a D-List?
Title: Re: IID of lineItem or Count of LineItems in a D-List
Post by: cbrandt on 23 Jun 2010 12:37:44 AM
You can use the Time(7) BiF if you need the IID in a cube.
Really helpful ;)
Title: Re: IID of lineItem or Count of LineItems in a D-List
Post by: krishnadixit on 23 Jun 2010 01:45:30 AM
Thanx for replies.

Hi VB,

I hav a requirement for creating the cube on fly. Ya I'll elaborate it....

As per my requirement if I create a cube with 7 dimensions, the cube size is goin on toss i.e. upto 32crores n above.

Hence I am creating a macro, which will get the input from the user with respect to all the 7 d-lists. Then it will count the total number of lineItems selected in each d-list, get the product of it and then validate. If the product is exceeding say 4 million then the macro will display error & ask the user to reconsider the list.

That is the reason I want IIDs of lineItems or way to find the count of lintItems in a d-list.

If you or anybody cud help.

Title: Re: IID of lineItem or Count of LineItems in a D-List
Post by: on 23 Jun 2010 04:02:51 AM

There is a way to find the number of items in the D-List but that can be done through the database.
There is a table in database development_items which contains all the items being used in the application.
There are 4 columns in this table
1. dimensionguid (contains the guid of the dimension (D-list) to which d-list item belongs.
2. Itemguid - contains the guid of the d-list item
3. Item name
4. item display name

Now, the dimension guid will be same for all items for a particular d-list. This you can easily find out using the item display name column or item name column.
Moreover, when more items will be added in the dimension, their Dimension GUID will be same.

You may use this query to get the number of items:
select count(*) from schema name.development_items
where DIMENSIONGUID = ' value for dimension Guid'

value for dimension Guid: used in the query will be something like {88B27394-9620-40F9-A2E4-4E62004246D5}

This will give you the count of the items in the dimension.
I hope it helps.
Title: Re: IID of lineItem or Count of LineItems in a D-List
Post by: krishnadixit on 28 Jun 2010 02:57:16 AM
Thanx VB,

but that does not resolve my query.

Any other method????
Title: Re: IID of lineItem or Count of LineItems in a D-List
Post by: krishnadixit on 13 Jul 2010 01:05:17 AM