With Cognos 8.4 and an Active Directory authentication configuration that is working well (the same configuration was used in the previous 8.2 installation), my users are facing this error then trying to make a report with CAFE at the moment they drag and drop dimensions or measures :
RSV-CM-004 The current user does not have the capabilities required to execute the 'runSpecification' operation.
And they do not have any problem when doing the same thing with Analysis Studio.
The solution :
In order for users to navigate and create content in BI Analysis for Microsoft Excel, users must have traverse and execute permissions on the Report Studio capability.
And now it's ok. No more error RSV-CM-004 with CAFE.
But... i don't want the user to have access to Report Studio on this environnement. (only Query and Analysis)
I think you can hide at the system.xml level