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[Solved] ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input

Started by bdybldr, 29 Dec 2005 08:13:04 AM

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Has anyone seen this error before?Ã,  It occurs when I try to drillthrough from a report that passes datetime parameters that have been cast as date in both the parent and child reports.Ã,  Any assistance would be appreciated.



make sure that your two data formats are exactly the same (same level of detail) ie. milliseconds vs just seconds....  it's all i can think of..!!


Thanks for the response Boris.  I found a workaround...still not sure what the problem was although you seem to be on to something.

I just changed the Oracle function of "cast_date" to cast([date], DATE).  This required me to allow limited local processing but it's all I could come up with.  This particular db isn't that big so it shouldn't degrade performance too much.


and to_date?? Doesn't that work? to_date is a native oracle function.. Try that once.. maybe it works.


An old thread, but I just ran into this problem. Just thought to share this in case someone runs into this too.

You can use to_char(?myparameter?) to create a dataitem to see how reportnet constructs your date parameter. In my case I saw dates in the form '14-DEC-06 AM'. The format mask that was needed in this case for oracle to understand the date was 'DD-MON-YY HH.MI.SS."000000000" AM'.
Using FF9 for the fragments of the seconds didn't work, so I used a text mask instead.
An alternative that should also work if you can' t be bothered with complicated masks would be:
to_date(left(to_char(?myparameter?);9); 'DD-MON-YY')