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Crosstab limitation of nesting measures from 3 or more facts?

Started by CognosDeveloper, 14 Apr 2009 03:03:58 PM

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I am currently receiving an error when I add a measure into a crosstab
from a third underlying fact table.  At least this is the reason that
I believe is the cause for the relatively uninformative error below.

RQP-DEF-0177 An error occurred while performing operation
'sqlPrepareWithOptions' status='-9'.

Details contain info about table or view does not exist.

I have confirmed that all measures exist and return successfully
within cognos connection tools.  The database is Oracle (mostly star
schema) with a FM DMR built.

Crosstab structure that errors:

Columns (Level 1): Fiscal Months
Columns (Level 2): Sales Amount, Inventory Amount, Markdown Amount

Rows: Stores

In this example, the Sales measures, Inventory measures, and Markdown
measures are located in separate database fact tables.  I am able to
return successfully the same data set within a list object and within
a crosstab object where the columns do not contain more than one

Do you have a workaround or is this a limitation within Cognos v8.3 SP3?

I appreciate your insight.


Hi Cognos Developer,

I search resolution for this in cognos support:

Even though other databases like SQL Server or Oracle allow the use of database columns for both operands in a "like" comparison, DB2 is more restrictive. When the query database is a DB2 one has to avoid calculations or selects like the above mentioned. There is no way to use a database column as second operand when querying a DB2 and using "like" in a comparison.

Just check once by see these in your report.

Please let me know if it is working or not?