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its very urgent iam not able to see image in pdf format wat is the reason

Started by anilkumar, 28 Feb 2009 08:00:58 AM

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Hi  guys

when  reun the report iam able to see iamge  in html format but iam not able to see image PDF FORMAT.
Please can any one help me out.

what are the steps involving explain indetail.

thanks and regards
anil kumar


Are you using IIS and Single Signon?

if so then if i recall you will need to check the following:

1. Give anonymous access to the directory where the images are stored.

2. Give anonymous access to the virtual folder referenced by the web server

3. Enable the HTTP Keep Alives , this can be found on the properties sheet of the web site within IIS

I'm sure that there is something about this in the install/config guide that comes with C8 which should also help.

Hope it helps