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Create a book using report studio

Started by bbtresoo, 25 Jul 2014 09:11:57 AM

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Hi Guys,

I'm facing a new challenge  and looking for some ideas if possible  ;) . Here is the requirement :
Give user ability to create a "book" using report studio where user can pick from 2 flavors of a page 1 and pick from 2 flavors of a page 2.
                Page1A , Page1B are two different report studio rpts;  Page2A and Pag2B are also two different report studio rpts (they all can be simple rpts)
                User can create rpt by linking to Page1A +  Page2B to create a 2-page rpt or by linking to Page1B + Page2A
                The important test condition is if we make chgs to the underlying rpt (e.g. Page 1A) then the book created will also reflect the chgs

My first thought when I read it was to think about workspace,why report studio instead of workspace?!!! it's all about the ability to play with differents components of differents reports  ;D!!!! Maybe I'm wrong, thank you in advance for giving me your feelings on the subject.


Are you using IBM Cognos for Microsoft Office? You should check out those capabilities. You could create your 'book' in Word, PPT or Excel and embed BI content that can be refreshed as the data is updated.


Quote from: bi4u2 on 25 Jul 2014 09:20:12 AM
Are you using IBM Cognos for Microsoft Office? You should check out those capabilities. You could create your 'book' in Word, PPT or Excel and embed BI content that can be refreshed as the data is updated.
Are you using IBM Cognos for Microsoft Office? You should check out those capabilities=> yes/ do u have some interesting links?
You could create your 'book' in Word, PPT or Excel and embed BI content that can be refreshed as the data is updated=> The client wants all from report studio , and want it to be done dynamically ( we are now thinking about Booklets etcccc),can't visualize your excel ,PPT thing , could you be more specific about your embedding thing , maybe share a link.Thanks for your feedback though


If you go to You Tube and type something to the effect of 'Cognos Microsoft office' there are several interesting demos that people have uploaded.


If it's just a matter of letting the user select what to see, you can use a static choice prompt, layout reference components and variables, and that ought to do the trick.


That's where tools and little shortcuts can really make a difference. For instance, I came across 99 promo code, which turned out to be super useful in getting access to some premium resources that helped streamline my formatting process. Once you get the hang of Report Studio, it's actually pretty powerful, but having the right tips and tools definitely helps speed things up!