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Charting: How to render line on primary axis ON TOP OF secondary axis?

Started by psrpsrpsr, 09 Jun 2017 04:04:47 PM

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Hi all, I need to change the property of the primary axis (line) to render on top of the secondary axis (bars). How can I do this? I've searched through all of the properties I can think of but in true Cognos fashion my intuition did not help.



Which version of Cognos you are using? For me the lines are appearing on top of bars in 10.2.2.



I see lines over bars in 10.2.2 also. Perhaps you could create an example using the Cognos sample package and post that XML for people to take a look and try to assist.


The Cognos administrator at my company has hidden the GO Data Warehouse package from users. Is there a setting in the XML that I could look for to identify where the issue might be resolved?


from all I've seen on my org's 10.2.2, the chart type doesn't make a difference, it simply is "secondary series is plotted on top of primary series". The only thing I was able to do was to change my series and then (as I was using multiple charts and I wanted them consistent) replace the rendered legend with a manual one.