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Lost FM Model...I see things here but have only published Presentation layer

Started by Dave_PH, 28 Jan 2017 08:43:29 AM

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Unfortunately we don't have a test system. I don't even want to go into why and the meta is on a zLinux server which I don't have access to. We have an odd job responsibilities split

Before going thru a lot of other issues I have a basic question. Is it true that having published only of of the 3 layers of the model that's all I'll get back thru IBM's process for recovering a Cognos model is that Presentation layer.....the source and business layers will not be recovered.

IBMs recovery instructions   http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21505488

.NOTE1: this will only create a model for the package contents .. ie. if the FM model was much larger but only a part of it was published, you will only have the published portion.


It should recover everything in the model which was included in the package, either by the modeler or by FM.  This would include those objects in the business and query layers which are used by what's in the presentation layer.

As you are aware, there are 3 states (actually 4; the fourth being undefined, which you can see in security views) which can be defined for objects in a package.  They are include, exclude, and hidden.

During the publishing of a package FM will examine the included objects and unwind their dependencies.  All dependent objects will be included in the package. 

In addition, any hidden objects will be automatically included but set with a flag so that the reporting tools will not show them in their metadata trees.

An excluded object will be excluded from the package unless FM determines that the object is used by an included or hidden object. FM will include the object and set the flag for the object to hidden.

If you validate a package and you have excluded an object and that object is used by an object which is in the package, you will encounter a message saying that the object has been excluded but it is being used so it will be included in the package as a hidden object.

In your case, if you had a package which only had the presentation layer included and the other layers hidden or excluded then all the objects in the other layers which are used by the included objects would be included. 

In the package wizard there is a setting with a ludicrously wordy and confusing label which I can't remember.  If is is unchecked then the entire model is included in the package.  This is so you don't end up wasting time.

My condolences about how amateurishly your shop is being run.   Apart from the problems which are your immediate concerns, there are serious audit and, possibly, legal implications of not having proper source control.


Thank You

That is the most complete and clear answer I've ever seen on a forum. Now it's worth approaching my ornery z/Linuz admin about running this recovery process. 

"amateurish", yes and  I've classified us as 'analytically impaired' because of the refusal to plan and model.