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Package Level Drill Through slicer to filter any part of a dimension

Started by maxchuie, 05 Jan 2016 07:26:03 AM

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I have been given the task to do Package Level Drill Through is there a slicer that I can use to filter any part of a dimension based on what a user might select for that dimension?


Quote from: maxchuie on 05 Jan 2016 07:26:03 AM
I have been given the task to do Package Level Drill Through is there a slicer that I can use to filter any part of a dimension based on what a user might select for that dimension?

I removed your duplicate post - please don't post the same topic in multiple places in future. Someone might spend time trying to answer in one board when it has already been solved in another, and people don't appreciate having their time wasted in that way.

To define a slicer allowing members from any level to be chosen, drag a slicer member set into the Slicer Filter section of your query, and code the expression as:

[Your hierarchy] -> ?Your Parameter?

This will allow a single member to be passed (which I assume is what you need). If by some chance you need to be able to handle multiple members selected, code the expression as

set([Your hierarchy] -> ?Your Parameter?)




MFGF thanks
will this work as well
