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TM1 10.2.2 FP1 iWidget with Cognos 10.2.1 Workspace

Started by CognosAnalytics, 08 Apr 2015 01:43:53 PM

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Hello all,
Has anyone ever successfully attempted to show the TM1 iWidget from Cognos BI Workspace? I have done everything as per the documentation but to no avail. I see the server node and the Applications and Views sub-nodes under the server from the Workspace, but it does not show any Views. I am not sure what I may be doing wrong. Any tips or tricks that is not listed in the documentation that may have worked for you, and if you could share it, I would greatly appreciate it. Please let me know if you need more information on what I have done so far.



Quote from: cognos810 on 08 Apr 2015 01:43:53 PM
Hello all,
Has anyone ever successfully attempted to show the TM1 iWidget from Cognos BI Workspace? I have done everything as per the documentation but to no avail. I see the server node and the Applications and Views sub-nodes under the server from the Workspace, but it does not show any Views. I am not sure what I may be doing wrong. Any tips or tricks that is not listed in the documentation that may have worked for you, and if you could share it, I would greatly appreciate it. Please let me know if you need more information on what I have done so far.


Getting your iWidgets to work sometimes requires ninja skills in both TM1 and BI configuration. I have found that the hostname used in both TM1 and BI setup has to be exactly the same, and consistent throughout the config. My guess is that you will have (perhaps) a 'localhost' in there somewhere.

There are a number of files for you to check -


You should also check your TM1s.cfg file in each server, too.

Good luck!!



Quote from: MFGF on 09 Apr 2015 03:11:09 AM
Getting your iWidgets to work sometimes requires ninja skills in both TM1 and BI configuration. I have found that the hostname used in both TM1 and BI setup has to be exactly the same, and consistent throughout the config. My guess is that you will have (perhaps) a 'localhost' in there somewhere.

There are a number of files for you to check -


You should also check your TM1s.cfg file in each server, too.

Good luck!!


MF, do you by any chance have a step by step guide how to do this?


Quote from: Chamopak on 05 Jun 2015 02:36:14 PM

MF, do you by any chance have a step by step guide how to do this?

I always find the technote below a useful guide:





Hello Chamopak,
Sorry, I should have updated this post earlier. I had followed the URL that MFGF has posted, and you should use it as the baseline as well. BUT, what you will see that the 2 important locations specified in the article, <c10_gateway_root>/webcontent/tm1/bux/iWidgets on the cognos bi gateway installation and <c10_report_server_Root>/templates/ps/tm1 folders have multiple "versions" of the implementation files, named as 102FP1, 102GA, 102RP2 and PRE102. This had me trumped all the time as I kept using 102FP1 as that was the TM1 FP version I had. It did not work and hence initiated this post here.
Eventually, what worked for me was the use of 102RP2, which worked and still works without an issue.

Not sure, what was wrong there, I did not have the time to further investigate into it. Why would 102RP2 work even though I had 102FP1, I still cannot answer. May be it was the timing of the Fix Pack download that I did, and it may have had a cumulative RP2 in it, not sure.
So, I guess, what I am trying to say is use and follow the article mentioned by MFGF to the dot, but at the same time keep an eye on what version of the files to reference in your atom file as well as the files Tm1WebCubeViewerWidget.xml and TM1WebSheetWidget.xml on the BI gateway.



Quote from: cognos810 on 08 Jun 2015 05:21:31 PM
Hello Chamopak,
Sorry, I should have updated this post earlier. I had followed the URL that MFGF has posted, and you should use it as the baseline as well. BUT, what you will see that the 2 important locations specified in the article, <c10_gateway_root>/webcontent/tm1/bux/iWidgets on the cognos bi gateway installation and <c10_report_server_Root>/templates/ps/tm1 folders have multiple "versions" of the implementation files, named as 102FP1, 102GA, 102RP2 and PRE102. This had me trumped all the time as I kept using 102FP1 as that was the TM1 FP version I had. It did not work and hence initiated this post here.
Eventually, what worked for me was the use of 102RP2, which worked and still works without an issue.

Not sure, what was wrong there, I did not have the time to further investigate into it. Why would 102RP2 work even though I had 102FP1, I still cannot answer. May be it was the timing of the Fix Pack download that I did, and it may have had a cumulative RP2 in it, not sure.
So, I guess, what I am trying to say is use and follow the article mentioned by MFGF to the dot, but at the same time keep an eye on what version of the files to reference in your atom file as well as the files Tm1WebCubeViewerWidget.xml and TM1WebSheetWidget.xml on the BI gateway.



102FP1 is TM1 10.2 with FP1 or FP2 installed. 102RP2 is TM1 10.2.2 with or without fix packs.

My atom file lists the following:

Please MAKE SURE using the correct xts file in each atom entry.
If you want to connect to pre TM1 10.2, using "m=tm1/PRE102/serverContent.xts"
If you want to connect to TM1 10.2GA, using "m=tm1/102GA/serverContent.xts"
If you want to connect to TM1 10.2FP1 or 10.2FP2, using "m=tm1/102FP1/serverContent.xts"
If you want to connect to TM1 10.2RP2 or 10.2RP2FP1, using "m=tm1/102RP2/serverContent.xts"
If you want to connect to TM1 10.3, using "m=tm1/web/serverContent.xts"




Quote from: MFGF on 09 Jun 2015 05:05:31 AM

102FP1 is TM1 10.2 with FP1 or FP2 installed. 102RP2 is TM1 10.2.2 with or without fix packs.

My atom file lists the following:

Please MAKE SURE using the correct xts file in each atom entry.
If you want to connect to pre TM1 10.2, using "m=tm1/PRE102/serverContent.xts"
If you want to connect to TM1 10.2GA, using "m=tm1/102GA/serverContent.xts"
If you want to connect to TM1 10.2FP1 or 10.2FP2, using "m=tm1/102FP1/serverContent.xts"
If you want to connect to TM1 10.2RP2 or 10.2RP2FP1, using "m=tm1/102RP2/serverContent.xts"
If you want to connect to TM1 10.3, using "m=tm1/web/serverContent.xts"



Ok, I am using Cognos Express 10.2.1

At this moment I only Ajdusted the:
- tm1_en.properties
- tm1_contribution.atom
- tm1web.html

Now i see the Application and the view icons appear.

As I understand I now need to adjust these files as well??:



Quote from: Chamopak on 09 Jun 2015 08:00:35 AM
Ok, I am using Cognos Express 10.2.1

At this moment I only Ajdusted the:
- tm1_en.properties
- tm1_contribution.atom
- tm1web.html

Now i see the Application and the view icons appear.

As I understand I now need to adjust these files as well??:



Yep. Within planning.hml, you need to make sure that

var planningServices = ["http://<your server name or IP address>:9510"];
is updated with the correct hostname or IP address used in the rest of your config

In variables_TM1.xml you need to make sure that the three URLs are using the correct hostname or IP address

      <url is-regex="true">http://<your server name or IP address>/TM1Web(/\([aAsS]\([A-Za-z0-9]+\)\))?/TM1WebLogin.aspx</url>
      <url is-regex="true">http://<your server name or IP address>/TM1Web(/\([aAsS]\([A-Za-z0-9]+\)\))?/TM1WebLoginHandler.aspx</url>
      <url is-regex="true">http://<your server name or IP address>/TM1Web(/\([aAsS]\([A-Za-z0-9]+\)\))?/TM1WebMain.aspx</url>



Quote from: MFGF on 09 Jun 2015 09:30:28 AM

Yep. Within planning.hml, you need to make sure that

var planningServices = ["http://<your server name or IP address>:9510"];
is updated with the correct hostname or IP address used in the rest of your config

In variables_TM1.xml you need to make sure that the three URLs are using the correct hostname or IP address

      <url is-regex="true">http://<your server name or IP address>/TM1Web(/\([aAsS]\([A-Za-z0-9]+\)\))?/TM1WebLogin.aspx</url>
      <url is-regex="true">http://<your server name or IP address>/TM1Web(/\([aAsS]\([A-Za-z0-9]+\)\))?/TM1WebLoginHandler.aspx</url>
      <url is-regex="true">http://<your server name or IP address>/TM1Web(/\([aAsS]\([A-Za-z0-9]+\)\))?/TM1WebMain.aspx</url>


I am in guys !!!! Thank you
small addition, had to add <add key="CrossDomainAccessList" value="*" /> to the tm1web_config.xml file


Quote from: Chamopak on 09 Jun 2015 10:50:16 AM
I am in guys !!!! Thank you
small addition, had to add <add key="CrossDomainAccessList" value="*" /> to the tm1web_config.xml file

You generally only need to do this if you don't have a consistent hostname or IP address defined throughout all the config files in your TM1 instance (ie mixing hostname and/or localhost and/or IP address of server).




Quote from: MFGF on 09 Jun 2015 05:05:31 AM

102FP1 is TM1 10.2 with FP1 or FP2 installed. 102RP2 is TM1 10.2.2 with or without fix packs.

My atom file lists the following:

Please MAKE SURE using the correct xts file in each atom entry.
If you want to connect to pre TM1 10.2, using "m=tm1/PRE102/serverContent.xts"
If you want to connect to TM1 10.2GA, using "m=tm1/102GA/serverContent.xts"
If you want to connect to TM1 10.2FP1 or 10.2FP2, using "m=tm1/102FP1/serverContent.xts"
If you want to connect to TM1 10.2RP2 or 10.2RP2FP1, using "m=tm1/102RP2/serverContent.xts"
If you want to connect to TM1 10.3, using "m=tm1/web/serverContent.xts"



What would you say is the reason why I can't find any multiple implementations named as 102FP1, 102GA, 102RP2 and PRE102 on the gateway and report servers?

If I compare (<c10_gateway_root>/webcontent/tm1/bux/iWidgets) a Cognos BI Gateway 10.2.1 install location with a Cognos BI Gateway 10.2.2 install location I don't see same contents. To me it seems like 10.2.2 is shipped with these multiple implementations named as 102FP1, 102GA, 102RP2 and PRE102... ???

See attached screenshot below!