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How can I make that changes made in default palette be used for any new chart

Started by rsomoza, 31 Aug 2015 02:51:28 PM

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Hey gurus!

I have been playing with the palettes for my charts. What I did was to modify the first one, "default" to use and match corporate colors, so any new chart by default should use those. But, even though I create a new chart the default colors are different ones. If I go to change the palette in Report Studio for my new chart and select the "flow" (default palette or first one) it shows MY colors, so the change seems fine in ReportPresets.xml.

How can I make Cognos to use what I have defined in the XML by default, so the user doesn't have to go to select palettes to change it?.

This is the one I modified:

<chartPalettePresets iconLocation="presets/chart_palettes/">
<chartPalettePreset name="pal0" idsLabel="IDS_PAL_NAME_flow_default" idsTooltip="IDS_PAL_TOOLTIP_flow_default">
