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Display the level number of a passed multi choice parameter - Cognos Cube

Started by imeu, 18 Aug 2015 01:33:29 AM

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I saw a thread in this forum regarding the same but that is not yeilding the right result atleast for the scenario that i have. I have a cube based Crosstab report. In that parameter is a multichoice Tree prompt ie Prompt as set([Cube].[Dim].[Hierarchy] -> ?p_ABC?). Depending on the level selected in p_ABC the Crosstab need to be filled with the rows. For eg if the p_ABC is selecting Level 3 in the Hierarchy then Rows should have a levels from 0 to 3.

Please help me in doing this. I tried the following but nothing is working out to the result expected.


Please help.


I took you to mean you want all members at all levels from the root down to whatever level is chosen. No time to test right now, but maybe something like this:
