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RESOLVED - Remove blank lines in excel format when using render/style variables

Started by cognos2014, 23 Jun 2015 10:09:38 AM

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Hi Gurus!

In my report, I have render variables which displays the rows only when they have values else hides it. This works fine in HTML but when I export the report excel, it shows blank lines for the empty rows. I tried using style variable as well and the problem still persists in excel.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!


Eliminate the rows without values from the query result set.


Thanks for the response! Unfortunately this is a table row and when I do it, I lose the data of all other fields in the table as well. :(


hello cognos2014,
If you have put data items into table cells, I believe it is probably not working in HTML either. In HTML that empty row is collapsed due to absence of any item within it. You can test it by setting some height for the table cells. If the condition was working HTML would still hide it, if not it would show up just like it does in excel.
Is there a specific requirement that you ended up using table? Why not list instead?



Hi Cognos 810, my requirement is such that I need to use a table within my list as I have row headers. When I use render variable or style variable, the blank table rows are suppressed in HTML.  I have attached a sample of how the output looks in excel. The blank lines are actually rows which don't have data.


I was able to resolve this. Once I checked the "show hidden objects" from the visual aids menu and applied the style variable to the table row and set the box type to none, the blank lines no longer appear when I run the report in excel format.