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Package Datasource

Started by craigalaniz, 24 Jun 2015 03:45:07 PM

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Hi All

I have a package that was created in framework manager and published to Cognos Connection. I need to change the connection string of the datasource to point to a different database.

Can I change the connection string in Cognos Admin or do I need to create a new package with a new datasource in Framework Manager and publish?

Thanks  :)



Hello craigalaniz,
Yes, you can do so assuming that the underlying database is exactly the same in terms of database objects, columns, data types etc.
Optionally, you can even add another connection within the data source, pointing to the new database if this is a dev/test environment. When you run the report you will be prompted for a connection to choose and run the report against.



1.  Assuming that your data bases have the same schema and catalog values then changing the data source connection in cog admin will work.  The package has the content manager data source, schema, and catalog values of the data sources you have in the model.   The cm data source value is just a string which points to a data source in cm.   (this allows you to move deployments from your dev to your production environments with a minimum of fuss ). You need to be aware that this change will affect every package which use the data source connection will now query the new data base.   Having the same tables etc. in the new data base helps too.

2. You can change the data source information in the model and then republish the package.

If the new data base's schema and catalog values are different then you will need to use procedure 2.

The relevant data source connection properties are these:
content manager data source

When you import metadata a new data source connection is created for each unique set of data source / schema /catalog names.   If you look at the sample great outdoors sales model you will see 4 data sources.  They are there because there's metadata from each of the GOSL, GOHR, GORT and GOMR schemas of the sample data base.

The name property is derived from the name of the data source connection.   You can rename it.   

The content manager data source property is the string identifying the data source connection which you want to use in cm.   

schema and catalog are determined during metadata import.   

You can use parameter map macros, which can assist in package portability.