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Sounds in Cognos Data Manager

Started by alklimanov, 17 Jun 2015 02:52:56 AM

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Hello to all!

Could you please help me. I would like to hear sound on my computer after JobStream finishes its work.
How can I do this? Which node should I use? Which sound file format should I use?

Best regards!


Quote from: alklimanov on 17 Jun 2015 02:52:56 AM
Hello to all!

Could you please help me. I would like to hear sound on my computer after JobStream finishes its work.
How can I do this? Which node should I use? Which sound file format should I use?

Best regards!

Well, after using Data Manager for what seems like centuries and encountering all sorts of varied questions throughout the years, this one is a first! Nobody ever asked me this before!

Within Data Manager it's possible to call an Operating System command using the system() function. If you can figure out how to get your OS to play a sound from the command line, you can include that command within your jobstream. Typically I'd suggest a procedure node as the last node of the build, and you would put your system() function call into this.

I'd be intrigued to know how you get on! Post back if you manage to get it to work.




I was so intrigued, I tried it myself.

Try adding the following syntax to a procedure node at the end of the jobstream:

system('start wmplayer "C:\Windows\Media\chimes.wav"');




Thank you for this code! I try it, it works! It opens WMPlayer and tries to play media file.
But I have big problem  :( Cognos DM is on the server without any sound devices, so WMPlayer returns error (see attachment).
I connect to the server from Remote Desktop Connection.
Do you know, can I hear sound from the server (may be not from WMPlayer, but from another programm) on my computer?

It will be very comfortable for me, because every day I have to launch in series JStreams while working hard on my computer, so sometimes, I forget to check and launch next JS. Sounds will be very helpful!


Quote from: alklimanov on 17 Jun 2015 09:21:37 AM
Thank you for this code! I try it, it works! It opens WMPlayer and tries to play media file.
But I have big problem  :( Cognos DM is on the server without any sound devices, so WMPlayer returns error (see attachment).
I connect to the server from Remote Desktop Connection.
Do you know, can I hear sound from the server (may be not from WMPlayer, but from another programm) on my computer?

It will be very comfortable for me, because every day I have to launch in series JStreams while working hard on my computer, so sometimes, I forget to check and launch next JS. Sounds will be very helpful!

I doubt you will be able to get the server to launch anything local on your machine - think of the security issues if a remote machine could launch an application on your local machine. If your server will not play sound files I think you're stuck, sadly.




Have to say, a unique requirement!!!  :)
Do you have a mail server info handy? You can write a VBS to send you an email, which can make the sound on arrival on your local PC email client, OR if email is configured on your phone, your phone could do the same, make the sound that is. Use the VBS to fire up at the end of your job streams.
Or, along the lines of MFGF's approach, you may need a utility like PsExec to execute a command on your machine. Your machine should be reachable from the server, which it is as you are remote-ing into it already. Worth a try??

