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Why cant we delete Cognos Namespace?

Started by rajvivan, 19 May 2015 01:04:24 PM

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Can anyone please explain it clearly the below concept?
Why Cant we delete the Cognos Namespace. I read somewhere "The namespace is always active."
Also Please explain the concept of "distribution lists, and contacts" which namespace contains?

Reference URL:http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSRL5J_1.0.1/com.ibm.swg.ba.cognos.ug_cra.10.1.1.doc/c_cognos_namespace.html%23Cognos_namespace


The Cognos namespace is built in to the product, and is the foundation for Cognos security. As far as I know there is no possiblity of even trying to remove it, and it would make no sense to try.

Users are external to the Cognos namespace, e.g. they might come from Active Directory. In order to give users permissions to capabilities, roles, objects, etc. within Cognos, you must associate them to objects and roles that reside in the Cognos namespace. So, you attach them to Cognos groups that have the desired permissions.

This is all done within the administrative interface, and to me anyway is actually easier to see and grasp visually than to read about it.


