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Exporting MyFolders content Cognos 10?

Started by ora1001, 18 Mar 2015 12:53:49 PM

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Cognos 10.2.1

Is there a way to export content in My Folders along with the Public Folders without selecting the entire content store option?  If it's not possible via cognos administration interface, can we do it via SDK?


I could be wrong, but I am not aware of an out-of-the-box way to do as you wish, other than one My Folders at a time.

You can do pretty much anything if you are willing to bang out some code with the SDK. It may not be trivial, but I am sure it could be done.


I'm dong just this at the moment, as part of a C8.4 -> C10.2.1 migration.

I use the free MotioPI tool to gain access to each user's My Folders (you have to know which users to look for), then I Cut/Paste this content into a holding folder under Public Folders, then include this in my deployment package. NB Cut/Paste rather than Copy/Paste in order to make sure that the schedules are moved as well. Must admit I'm not 100% sure of this last point, but that's how it was explained to me by a colleague.

This solution has the advantage that one only has to advise the users concerned not to change their content during the two week freeze, and not rely on them to take care of their personal content. I'm not sure if this is the same as the solution bdbits has in mind...


Yes, that was pretty much my "one at a time" reference. We did it that way when we migrated to 10.x as I recall, but only for users who responded to an email asking if they wanted us to preserve My Folders for them. We had too many users to manually do all that for all of them, and truth be told most did not care about their My Folders anyway or were willing to move it themselves.

I suppose you could ask your users to do that for you, with a big bold large font warning that if they fail to move their content it will be gone forever.


Quote from: Michael75 on 19 Mar 2015 09:10:56 AM
I'm dong just this at the moment, as part of a C8.4 -> C10.2.1 migration.

I use the free MotioPI tool to gain access to each user's My Folders (you have to know which users to look for), then I Cut/Paste this content into a holding folder under Public Folders, then include this in my deployment package. NB Cut/Paste rather than Copy/Paste in order to make sure that the schedules are moved as well. Must admit I'm not 100% sure of this last point, but that's how it was explained to me by a colleague.

This solution has the advantage that one only has to advise the users concerned not to change their content during the two week freeze, and not rely on them to take care of their personal content. I'm not sure if this is the same as the solution bdbits has in mind...
We are actually doing this right now ofcourse not with the MotioPI. There are way many users and instances. It's not feasible for us to go with this option. I heard in some forums that Cognos 10 has an option of selecting user folders while doing the export. But I couldn't find this option in the admin interface while doing the export. I tried to select public folders and the directory content user membership while doing the export. After the import i couldn't see the user's my folder contents.


Quote from: bdbits on 19 Mar 2015 08:54:10 AM
I could be wrong, but I am not aware of an out-of-the-box way to do as you wish, other than one My Folders at a time.

You can do pretty much anything if you are willing to bang out some code with the SDK. It may not be trivial, but I am sure it could be done.

I might be wrong.. But if I couldn't find the option of selecting my folders in cognos 10 admin interface, Will this option be available in SDK?

Andrew Weiss

There's no need to perform this process one at a time or write an SDK application to do it. Using MetaManager you can backup, restore or deploy all or selected My Folders content. 

There is a video on this page that shows off the deploy functionality:

You can also download a trial and give it a test run to make sure it does what you need.


MetaManager makes administering IBM Cognos a breeze.  http://www.bspsoftware.com/MetaManager


Quote from: Andrew Weiss on 21 Mar 2015 09:17:43 PM
There's no need to perform this process one at a time or write an SDK application to do it. Using MetaManager you can backup, restore or deploy all or selected My Folders content. 

There is a video on this page that shows off the deploy functionality:

You can also download a trial and give it a test run to make sure it does what you need.


I actually modified the SDK utility to import my folders. Basically the export package will have the users who has content in my folders (manual). Once the export package is created, then in the SDK we just have to login both as CRN admin and also the user's account authentication namespace. It imported just fine..

My question is that what happens when we are doing upgrade or migration. Let's assume that the authentication name space (CAMID) in both the environments are same. So I have 3 users u1. u2. u3 in source and for some reason I only have u1, u2 in target machine... So now when i import the packge what will happen? what's the behavior for u3 ?? Is it going to create a new user u3 and place the user's content?


Hello ora1001,
When you do the import, the content for user u3 will come in and will be pushed into the new content store. If you want to remove it, run a consistency check (with References to External Namespace and select your authentication namespace) first in a "Find Only" mode to identify what content will be lost. Once satisfied run it in "Find and Fix" mode.
