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Linking Drill Up/Down on Crosstab and Chart

Started by andy_mason_84, 12 Feb 2015 05:29:28 AM

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Hi All,

I need someone to put me out of my misery.

Basically all i want is to create a crosstab and a chart that both show the same data and if someone drills on a year or a product for example in the crosstab then that drill is reflected on the chart whilst in WSA.

I have tried: -
1)   2 Linked Queries
a)   Create Report in WSA and it creates 2 queries
b)   Open in RS and link the queries

2)   1 Query (WSA)
a.   Create in WSA
b.   Open in RS and change graph to look at Query 1
c.   Delete Query 2

3)   1 Query (RS)
a.   Create in RS

All of the above only change the item that has been drilled on.
Now if I run as HTML from WSA then it does update crosstab and chart so why cannot it not do it whilst in Workspace Advanced itself?

Is it even possible? 
