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Issues with charts resizing

Started by erics, 04 May 2015 03:08:34 PM

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Hi There,
I created a report with 4 charts on them, and they're all dynamic based on drop downs and radio buttons.
Now, one of the charts is a line chart over 1 year period or 5 year period. The issue is that the X axis is based off of the date (by month). When you change from a 5 year period to a 1 year period, the chart shrinks.
My analyst isn't a fan of how it looks. Is there some way to set the size to not change? Maybe a conditional style? I've already set the size of the chart by pixels and not %.



Hello erics,
Not sure what the issue could be on your end. If I set the size and overflow property of the chart and set the width as 500px for example, it stays at 500 px regardless of what the x-axis needs to hold.
I tried to replicate the issue by drilling up/down, or by replacing the x-axis category via prompts.

May be upload your report XML here so that we can take a look.



It's not actually the container itself that shrinks, but rather the chart inside.
Here's the XML for the chart mentioned. It's within a table that I use for layout.

<tableCell><contents><combinationChart showTooltips="true" maxHotspots="10000" name="Combination Chart1" refQuery="qryXXX">
            <legendTitle refQuery="qryXXX">
                     <defaultStyle refStyle="lx"/>
                  <CSS value="display:none"/></style>
                  <defaultStyle refStyle="lg"/>
               <CSS value="display:none"/></style>
         <ordinalAxis categoryitemEnableTruncation="false">
            <axisTitle refQuery="qryXXX">
                     <defaultStyle refStyle="at"/>
            <axisLine color="black"/>
                  <defaultStyle refStyle="al"/>
            <labelControl><manualLabelControl displayFrequency="5"/></labelControl></ordinalAxis>
         <numericalAxisY1 includeZeroForAutoScale="false">
            <axisTitle refQuery="qryXXX">
                     <defaultStyle refStyle="at"/>
            <gridlines color="#cccccc"/>
            <axisLine color="black"/>
                  <defaultStyle refStyle="al"/>
            <line dataPointSize="0"/>
               <defaultStyle refStyle="ch"/>
            <CSS value="width:700px;height:420px;border:0.25pt solid black"/></style>
         <commonClusters><chartNodes><chartNode><chartNodeMembers><chartNodeMember refDataItem="CalculatedXXX"><chartContents><chartTextItem><dataSource><memberCaption/></dataSource></chartTextItem></chartContents><sortList><sortItem refDataItem="month"/></sortList></chartNodeMember></chartNodeMembers></chartNode></chartNodes></commonClusters><defaultChartMeasure refDataItem="currXXX"/><XMLAttributes><XMLAttribute name="titlesExpanded" value="true" output="no"/></XMLAttributes></combinationChart></contents></tableCell>