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Export Translation File Doesn't Include Screen Tips

Started by Penny, 20 Jan 2015 02:19:05 PM

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Hi Everyone

I am working with Cognos 10.2.1 FP3 in a development environment using a relational model/database with CQM.
I have two languages in the model  - design language is en-au, other language is en.
We want to maintain the names as they come from the database import in en-au and use en for more user friendly terms (names, descriptions and screen tips).

I am trying to use the language export/import to facilitate the business user participating in the 'business' naming of query items and their corresponding descriptions and screen tips.  I have been testing with the export/import and it works well for names and descriptions, but I am not seeing any screen tips in the exported file.  Can anyone point me in the right direction.

I did populate the screen tips fields with a ST prefix (as they were empty), but I still don't see them in the translation file.

I see a lot of reference to this on the web, and a very brief description in the user manual but couldn't find a solution (yet).

The framework manager user guide states

"You can generate and export a translation table to simplify the task of translating model objects. The translation table contains a list of all the text strings defined for
multilingual properties, such as Name, Description, and Screen Tip. Translators can then use an external application, such as Microsoft Excel, to type the required
information in the table."

Any advice appreciated...thank-you.


I realize now that only 'distinct' screen tips are exported in the translation file.  How could I get around this?  If I have to edit each screen tip to make it a unique string...I may as well enter the screen tips. 

Any suggestions?


Although it is tedious, I "seed" all the screen tip entries by typing in ST and then copy/pasting the item name after that. If you select multiple data items at a time in FM you see a list of the properties for all the selected entries which would make this task easier.

I would typically export just one query subject at a time because it just seems easier having bite-sized chunks to deal with.


Is Avnet's Meta Manager Update module the only tool out there that can be used to export/import from excel without the need for seeding data?
