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CAMID migration | Invalid credentials

Started by tushar.patil49, 09 Jul 2014 10:07:55 PM

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Hi All,
I am working on one scenario in which customer domain name is changing. They have been using Cognos from long time now and their Active directory is getting upgrading and they are changing the domain name.
Cognos Version is Cognos 10.2.1.
We migrating Active Directory from Domain A to Domain B

Domain A : NAME-OR

Domain B : NAME.ABC.CN

As per my understanding once we change the domain name, the CAMID associated with the users will be changed in the Content store so the existing users will loose their My Folders content.
As domain name is changing the base distinguished name associated will also change and obviously CAMID will change. Currently after configuring the new active directory, existing users are also not able to login and get message "Invalid Credentials" when trying to login.
I have going through the Proven practise document on "Handling Security Changes".
How can we handle these CAMID changes so that user login will  be seam less.
We are also planning to use "IBM Cognos BI Security Replication Application", has any one used it and please let me know your inputs surrounding this use case.
Note: We are not planning to use tools from Motio and BSP because of some restrictions.



Hello Tushar,
I really doubt that simply changing the Domain Name that an AD belongs to will change the CAMIDs in the content store. CAMIDs are generated using two parts: 1) The namespace id provided in the cognos configuration, 2) The attribute used to identify an entry in the AD. For active Directory, this attribute is GUID.
If, your AD admins can migrate over all your users/groups/roles without changing the GUIDs then all you need to do is repoint to this new AD instance keeping the Namespace ID the same in cognos configuration.
In essence, if your old CAMID (do so for some test cases) is "OldnsID:23j4k2jh2k4njk" and the new CAMID is  the same "OldnsID:23j4k2jh2k4njk", you should be fine.


You can also look into IBM's Security Replication Application.


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