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Unable to run samples. Getting error - Unable to load the driver manager library

Started by raj.chaudhary043, 05 Nov 2014 08:54:50 AM

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Hi All,

This is my first post in this forum. I am given a task to install Cognos 10.1.1 on unix server. I have been workign on BPM product before, getting started on Cognos now. Here is the env and steps performed so far -
Cognos BI and BI Samples installed on cognos1 server
DB2 installed on db2host1 server.
configured DB2 connection in cognos configuration and imported IBM_Cognos_Samples.
Create datasource for GS_DB adn tested connection.

when starting cognos from configuration manager I see following error -
        pogo    com.cognos.pogo.services.DefaultHandlerService          Failure <messages><message><messageString>DPR-DPR-1035 Dispatcher detected an error.</messageString></message><message><messageString>null</messageString></message></messages> problem stopping handler buxServiceHandlernulljava.lang.NullPointerException    at com.ibm.cognos.bux.buxservice.BUXServiceBaseHandler.stop(BUXServiceBaseHandler.java:233)     at com.cognos.pogo.services.DefaultHandlerService.stop(DefaultHandlerService.java:168)  at com.cognos.pogo.services.DispatcherServices$ServiceStopper.safeRun(DispatcherServices.java:335) 

Cognos service is not starting.

Please help.



Hello Raj.chaudhary043
Some questions:
-Are you trying to get your cognos 10.1.1 environment up and running? If Yes, then what do you mean by "imported IBM_Cognos_Samples"? Did you import the DB2 backups in the database?
-"Create data source for GS_DB ad tested connection"? Where did you create the data source when the environment was not up and running.
Samples cannot be imported untill the cognos services are up and running.
In cognos configuration, you need to specify a "Content Store" connection, which I believe is going to be DB2. When you start the services, cognos will auto-generate a bunch of tables and other DB objects in this DB2 DB specified.
Once you have your environment up and running, i.e. the services started successfully from Cognos Configuration, then you go to the cognos portal > Administration and create your data source connections for the samples to work.



Quote from: cognos810 on 05 Nov 2014 12:06:23 PM
Hello Raj.chaudhary043
Some questions:
-Are you trying to get your cognos 10.1.1 environment up and running? If Yes, then what do you mean by "imported IBM_Cognos_Samples"? Did you import the DB2 backups in the database?
-"Create data source for GS_DB ad tested connection"? Where did you create the data source when the environment was not up and running.
Samples cannot be imported untill the cognos services are up and running.
In cognos configuration, you need to specify a "Content Store" connection, which I believe is going to be DB2. When you start the services, cognos will auto-generate a bunch of tables and other DB objects in this DB2 DB specified.
Once you have your environment up and running, i.e. the services started successfully from Cognos Configuration, then you go to the cognos portal > Administration and create your data source connections for the samples to work.


With a content store in DB2, I think you need to generate and run a script file to set up the content store appropriately. See page 80 of the Installation and Configuration Guide:


