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Attaching Multiple Reports in One E-Mail (Job)

Started by rocket21, 18 Nov 2014 10:40:56 AM

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As a follow up to an earlier post, the business requirement I've been presented with is to push out 100 or so files (based off one Excel formatted report, but with different parameters populated).  Due to the complexity of the report, Burst capability appears to be off the table.

If I create a Job and set up a step for each file, is there a way to get each of the files attached to the same e-mail, so that the recipient doesn't get dozens of separate e-mails?


Just thinking off the top of my head, but report booklets may be a solution. These were introduced in I think it was, so may or may not be an option for you. They are kind of like component layout references, only you can link to an entire report. In Report Studio, open Pages and instead of dragging in a new page, you drag in a Report Reference. There is more info in the help file.


Thank you for your response.  We don't have that update installed, but I will research the Booklet functionality a bit more to see if that may help solution it.


Hello Rocket21,
You can use Event Studio to have all the reports run and the outputs attached in a single email. At a high level of information these are the steps you would take:
1)Add a report execution task - Say Report 1
2)Add a report execution task - Say Report 2
3)Repeat adding the report execution task for N number of reports.
4)Once done adding the report execution tasks, add "Send an Email" task.
5) At the bottom right, you will see an "Attach option". Click on the triangle next to it, and select each report one at a time.
6)Save and schedule the event.
