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Rows are missing when export a report (>65536 rows) to excel 2007

Started by Summer, 08 Oct 2014 09:44:00 AM

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We are using cognos 10.2. I created a large report (> 804466 rows) in the PowerPlay Studio, then I exported to Excel 2007 from PowerPlay Studio. No error during the 'save as'.

The output .xlsx file is less than 1.4M, only two worksheets (Sheet11 and Sheet12). Sheet11 has 65536 rows, Sheet12 only has 6 rows and last row is:  Rows 1-65536 of 804466. Rows are missing in this output file.

I tried RSVP.EXCEL.EXCEL.EXCEL_2007_WORKSHEET_MAXIMUM_ROWS =true, I also changed ExcelSpreadSheetSize in rsvpproperties.xml file, none of the options work.

Does anyone run into this issue?



It's possible that your Excel 2007 is running in compatability mode. If you notice it in the title bar of your spreadsheet, then it is.
To fix that, re-save the spreadsheet as a normal Excel file, close and re-open it. This *should* fix the issue (as I've seen on some websites).


Thank you for the reply. The excel 2007 is not running in compatible mode.