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iSeries Errors related to date conversion from long Julian after Upgrade

Started by DustPanMan, 27 Mar 2014 09:53:23 AM

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Hi All,

I'm hoping someone can help me fairly quickly with this (MFGF, I'm counting on you).  I am working with a client on a Cognos 8v4 to 10.2.1 upgrade.  Their primary datasource is an iSeries 5 AS400.  In the old environment, their model has complex "If, then, else" logic to make sure that a data field is not 0, then convert a long Julian (CCYYDDD) to a date in format "MM/DD/YYYY".  Within each Query Item, the expression first creates the date as 01/01/YYYY and then adds the days to that date.  Since the upgrade, no reports using dates work. 

I am aware that iSeries now has iDate that can do this more easily.  However, their model literally has hundred of date fields (if not thousands), and to change the logic that is there would be incredibly time consuming. 

My question is: does anyone know what changed in 10.2.1 from 8v4 that would cause this to stop working?  I have tried setting all datasources to Limit Local processing and I have tried doing the same within a report during trouble-shooting.  I have tried writing new logic on just one field, but it still errors.  The error that I am seeing most often is UDA-SQL-0358 with Syntax error near "to".  It appears that Cognos is trying to perform the casting from the FM model via Cognos, when it is using iSeries functions to cast currently.  If I change to database only, the queries can't function though, because they require some local processing.  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.




>> Within each Query Item, the expression first creates the date as 01/01/YYYY and then adds the days to that date.  Since the upgrade, no reports using dates work. 
Can you paste an example of the functions/casting in the expression?