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Can't get the display value of prompts passed through parameterized URL

Started by d_idaho, 20 Mar 2013 05:12:17 AM

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Facing performance issues with drill-through between two reports, I replaced it by Html links using parameterized URL, passing prompts through the URL (in fact I use the cognosLaunch javascript function from cognoslaunch.js, but it is the same).

In the target report, I can display in the main page either the prompts list boxes, or the prompts values by using the report function promptDisplayValue.

And it works fine, excepted that in the target report, the promptDisplayValue report function displays the use value !

All goes as if the target report could not associate the use values of the prompts sent by URL to the display values, though the prompts list boxes are present in the main page report, and the selected value corresponds to the one sent by the source report.

Rahul Ganguli


This is a Cognos known issue, for first run Cognos is unable to display the ParamDisplayValue().
You can use singleton to make it work for the first time.

Which version of Cognos are you using?



Hi Rahul,

Thank you for your quick answer  :)

Our Cognos version is 10.1.1


I'm assuming that you're passing the values in the URL like: "p_Year=2012&p_ProductCode=123"

In that case, Cognos won't be able to render the param display value, since there is no param display value. You're only passing 123. Instead, you can pass both the display and the use values:

p_Year=2012&p_ProductCode=<selectChoices><selectOption useValue=%22123%22 displayValue=%22Elbow Grease%22/><selectOption useValue=%22124%22 displayValue=%22Air Guitars%22/></selectChoices>

Some browsers have a limit on the number of characters available in the URL. There may also be various security concerns when using the GET method. Instead, you may want to consider using JavaScript to call the report using the CognosLaunchInWindow method.