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Scheduled reports not running

Started by ToughGuy, 15 Mar 2013 04:20:25 PM

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Hey There,

To qualify myself, I am fairly new to Cognos and find myself tasked with being the de facto admin, though I have little to no admin experience or know-how.  Not a complaint, just a qualification, so please be kind.

We have various users who set up scheduled reports, some daily, some weekly, some monthly.  With regularity, they fail to run.  When I view the run history, there is no entry.  For example, a report that has been scheduled daily will run Mon, Tues, and Wed, but will not get delivered on Thurs.  The history of that schedule will show sucess for Mon-Wed, but there will be no entry for Thurs - no "Failed", no "Pending", no "Cancelled", etc.

This has been an ongoing issue and the solution has been to do a service restart.  The schedules will begin to run again as schedule for a time, but enevitably fail, usually within a month.

Does anyboby have a better, more permanent solution?  Is there a way to stabilize this feature?  Any thought would be greatly appreciated.


Hello Mr. Tough Guy,  :P

Trying to understand your, So when you say any schedules which are set to execute on Thrus don't all of them deliever or just one or two? If the answer is yes have tried running the report in background to see if it run in background with run with options it also doesn't deliever... If test comes back with no result still then you might want to check what other processing are running during your report schedule time which might be using the resources.

Another thing you can do is during the schedule runtime it might useful to monitor your query in the database to make sure your query was submitted and its being processed. There might be a DB table lock if process is running and you trying to query it at the same time.

I know this is alot actual admin work but, you are a tough guy. :D
